Sunday, September 20, 2009

Buh bye baby...

...Hello little girl!
Yesterday, as you can see, we got Helen's haircut. We made an appointment with Kiddie Kuts for 11:30 am.At approximately, 11:33, Mr. Haircutter was done. No cries, no muss, no fuss. Yeah!
It's going to get some getting used to, this new eastern European hairstyle she has. At least it will last a while... I have to say, I wasn't expecting a dude with dreds to give my daughter her first hair cut, but hey, it worked!

P.S. Mom - I have a locket of hair!
For comparison, that's what her bangs looked like a couple weeks ago. I was getting really tired of trying to push them out of her eyes... I kind of miss them now, but it will just be easier this way...

It has been raining, raining, raining here and it is soooo humid! I can't wait for some sun and cool air. We went to Ikea this morning because we needed to grab a couple things for the homestead. It's the first time we let her run around and play with all the toys they have out. It was funny because it was just like going to the park with all the other kids running around, taking turns to go down the little slide. And there are cool toys she can play with and we don't have to buy! Woo woo!


cari c said...

totally cute - and she is so david and mary in a blender!

Anonymous said...

She looks older. She is such a happy little girl. I love her to bits and bits. Aunt Judy

Anonymous said...

Little Helen's haircut is adorable and it change her baby look to - almost a little girl, but not quite. It was great fun seeing Helen in the chair getting her haircut. Such a big girl! I love Helen to bits and bits like her dear Aunt Judy. xooxo Grandma

Karen said...

She looks gorgeous with the new hairdo! It shows off her gorgeous eyes! :)