Saturday, June 2, 2012

Catch Up #1

The addition of an iphone to my life superimposed disastrously with the fact that Helen just isn't changing that quickly anymore. Which, as I just wrote that last sentence, I realize is insanely not true. She is changing amazingly, but not so much physically. I like taking pictures on my iphone (and never use the regular camera anymore), but I am not the best at downloading them and figuring out where the heck they go when I sync my phone to the regular computer. Why does apple have to make it so HARD on us PC users - I am not amused or impressed. And am highly annoyed that I spend precious free time figuring out from trouble-shooting websites how to get my damned photos from my phone. We'll see if I get another iphone in a few years once the one I have dies; they have greatly annoyed me. I digress, and negatively. Sorry. Now for more positive things!

So, here is my first post to catch up on the past several months since Christmas. Here, Helen is enjoying the box from our new microwave bought with fresh tax return money. If our fridge can't be stainless steel, darn it, our microwave and new coffee maker will be!! (I won't bore you with photos of either - come see for yourself our new and updated appliances!) :-)
 Dr. Suess Day at the Magic House! A make-it-yourself Dr. Suess hat.
H wearing her winter coat backwards this winter. Now that it's spring/summer, she also enjoys routinely wearing mis-matching flip-flops (and she has plenty to choose from due to her extreme love of the shoe type)
 I didn't take enough pictures of our visit to the Houston gang in March. Here, Helen and Evie are jumping happily in the most awesome indoor trampoline ever! A hugely belated thank you to C&B for hosting that!!
First real bike! Trying it out at home.
 As long as she squats to look at things closely, I will take a picture. I love this pose.
 St. Patrick's Day at the botanical gardens. They colored the water green!!


Anonymous said...

It's about time !!! I do love a good update. She is so much fun. I need to plan a trip.

Anonymous said...

These pixs are fantastic and Helen is changing physically and still squats like a wee one. Love it! xo Grandma