Monday, December 5, 2011

Fab-u-lous Thanksgiving!!

Happy belated Turkey Day! We were so happy to share ours with Sarah, Jim and Savannah - what a great visit we had!! Here S and H are posing in the TJs Thanksgiving scene before we did some holiday food shopping. :-)
S and H had such a great time together! What fun was had jumping up and down on Helen's new big bed and running after each other through the house!
Getting ready to go see the Christmas lights at a nearby park. The lights were so cool and it was nice and chilly outside.
Thanksgiving day was pretty nice - we got to play outside and kick some balls around before serious cooking ensued by S&J - we were so lucky to be treated to an awesome prime rib dinner in-house thanks to the traveling chefs!
After T dinner and hours of play-dough fun at the table, the dining room needed a quick sweep.
The little yellow dust buster was a big hit.
The dads took the kids to the butterfly house, but it didn't go over too well. The park and nearby carousel did though, so it wasn't a total bust.
This park has a carousel inside that is really nice and is only $1 to ride, AND the parents can ride too - how cool is that?
Snuggling on the couch, watching Rudolph. The weather was so chilly that we couldn't help but get a little ahead of ourselves.
I think Savannah really bonded with Chester.
We went back to the butterfly house on Saturday - H still not that interested, but I thought it was super neat!
Did I mention that it's getting chilly? Dora snuggies are the best (especially when you find them on clearance at ToysRUs for $5 the spring before - woo woo!). D and I each have one too that I found at Walgreens on clearance last spring - we are all set for this winter in our new town.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Savannah looks so much like her mommy, what a cutie pie.I am glad you guys had a great Thanksgiving. I will be there in 2 days !!!