Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy Birthday to My H-Cakes!

It's hard to believe another year has passed and Helen is 3! We enjoyed her birthday on Thursday with some friends, cake, ice cream and presents - more later!

Daddy got her a cool set of "bugnoculars". :-)


Anonymous said...

OMG she is getting so big. I miss her. CAn't wait to see you guys in Sept. Judy

Jane said...

Me too!!! xoxox

Anonymous said...

The picture with the 'bugnoculors' is priceless! Such beautiful sweet eyes! Loved doing 'facetime' while Helen opened presents. So much fun! Can't wait for September! xoxoxoxo Grandma

cari c said...

Happy Belated 3 to Helen!! Hope she had a great day and looks like you had a great trip to VT!! Love that cabin!