Saturday, April 9, 2011



Anonymous said...

I just love those kitties. Judy

cari c said...

Love those giant kitty bellies. How did you get them to love each other so much? Our two have never in their nearly 10 years done that much snuggling together!

Anonymous said...

Oh those kitties! They are so sweet and love how they interact with wee Helen.

Anonymous said...

Hi D. and M.

This is an echo of G. Choi in Korea. How have you been? I am glad to know from pictures and stories in this blog that your family enjoy happy life
all the time.

I am doing really well though I should enjoy the busy life all the time. Recently I move to Jeju Island, which is one of 28 candidates for the NEW 7 Wonders.

I miss you guys a lot! I will think about how I can share my life story here in Jeju with your family.

Big hugs,
Mischievous friend in Korea