Sunday, December 19, 2010

Peas in a Pod, Take 2

Aunt Naomi and cousin Sebastian came for a Christmas visit this weekend and we had sooooooo much fun hanging out with them. Helen just adored Aunt N'omi and cousin S'bastian - she had a delayed reaction to them leaving - she cried and cried and cried as soon as we got home from the airport. She was really bummed they would not be around for another round of night-time baths and singing on the bed.Sebastian is so cute and happy.
H and S with the keyboard under the christmas tree. The two cousins got along as best pals the entire weekend!
They always kept an eye out for each other.
And played together so cutely.
Did I mention cute?
Nighttime was tough - Helen couldn't bear to be away from Sebastian, so we all stayed up late.
We went to our favorite "rope park", but it was really chilly.
We still had fun though!!
Merry Christmas - XOXO to everyone!


Anonymous said...

He is so cute. I am so glad Helen has got cousins her age. You guys have had alot of visitors in the last month. I love you all. Judy

Jane said...

Sooo cute! Glad you had a nice visit.

Anonymous said...

Such cutie pies! You can tell that Helen and Sebastian loved being together. xoxoxo Grandma