Wednesday, August 18, 2010


It's shaping up to be an interesting week thanks to a sandbox, a tongue and a red, plastic shovel. Helen had a nice, big lick of her sandbox shovel caked with wet sand and various other detritus at the local park Monday evening which I think is the culprit of a lovely night of vomiting Tuesday and diarrhea filled Wednesday. Mom always said - listen to that gut level, but Helen wanted to play in the sand SO BAD and it had been SO LONG since we had played in the sand... ! I'm a sucker and a softy, but no more (when it comes to sand). Here's hoping this experience will prepare her stomach and intestines for a tour of a far off distant land someday.

Anyway... she's loads better now. Keeping down liquids and food so far and developing a per-chant for long rides in the country before bedtime (we've done this 2 nights in a row) and I rather like it (she has a strong aversion to home at bedtime, made more keen by her upset tummy - "no home, mommy" is often repeated and now with heartfelt tears). It's really pretty around here with hills and curves and lots and lots of big trees. If you were here, I would show you one of them I stumbled on last night - it's gorgeous, enormous and absolutely perfect.


Jane said...

Ohhh, her we little tummy! I'm glad she is feeling better. I would love to see a picture of the tree you described. But I do know lots of times pictures don't do justice to nature, but I'd still love to see it! xoxoxo You are a great mom. I love you! -Jane

Anonymous said...

Oh little Cupcake I'm sorry your tummy was so sick. Glad you are feeling better and yes I would love to take a long car ride with you as it's so peaceful. xoxoxo Grandma