Monday, July 12, 2010

Long time no see!

Yup - we're still here. Another month behind us and half the summer to go! It's been really hot, go figure, and I think we're finally getting used to it. Here are the things we've been doing lately:

  1. Dancing to Crocodile Rock from season 2 muppets (see 1st 2 pics below). In the first one, Helen realized these glasses are similar to the ones Elton John wears. Groovy. She also likes to dance with stuffed animals and makes sure we both have one to dance with too.
  2. Swimming on the weekends - found a great pool nearby. She enjoys watching the big kids dive and jump.
  3. Watching sesame street skits over and over and over again online (we're back to that again).
  4. Running around in just a diaper after bathtime (huge win for H - delay in bedtime, but gets her in and out of the bathtub without tears).
  5. Crafting, crafting and more crafting (gluing things to paper and drawing with markers).
  6. Crafting while wearing only a diaper.

Some pics from tonight.

She likes to pull the things off that she glues or sticks - double the fun!


Anonymous said...

Love these new photos! You can tell that Helen really likes to dance and do crafts. It's so cute how she concentrates on her paper that she pastes things on. Her sun glasses are very cool. xoxoxoox Grandma

Anonymous said...

It is about time !!! SHe is so cute. I can't wait to see her. 2 1/2 more weeks.

Bfrib said...

Thanks for the update, it's so nice to see a new photo.
See all y'all in a few weeks...

Anonymous said...

Very cute!!! Can't wait to see you! -Jane

Anonymous said...

Bring the Elton John/Muppets dvd. I want to dance with you guys! Aunt Cathy

cari c said...

wow - so cute!! and that hair is so curly! love it. can't believe she is almost two!!