Monday, May 31, 2010

Home safe!

We made it home alright today and are trying to catch up on:

1) Sleep. H in bed by 6:45 pm and badly needed. Me soon too.
2) Blogging. Took a quick video of H on the flip tonight after her bath, right before bed. She was so cute pushing her kitty around on her pooh-mobile.

More updates later - had so much fun in MI and miss you much. Pics of that soon. XO.
(P.S. bought just dance online tonight too - Cecily, Joe and Sophia, you are going DOWN in July. DOWN.)


Anonymous said...

Helen is adorable in her P.J's giving her kitty a ride. Thank you coming to see us and had a wonderful time! We are gathering bubble supplies for an olympic bubble bash. xoxxoxox Grandma

Anonymous said...

Oh Really Aunt Mary ....No your going down. I can't wait to see you in July I love you and miss you!! xoxooxoxoxo Your to funny!