Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Southern Belle

Here's our little southern belle, just a walkin' up Stone Mountain. I do declare, she looks so dainty in that hat.
Eatin' chips and guacamole with a spoon - mmm.
Lately, Helen enjoys bringing us lots of things. Here, daddy is the king of stuffed animals.
A little piece of - toast!
Putting caps back on things is another fave.
Here, Helen is giving Sebastian a sticker. Aunt Sarah sent her some easter stickers and they were a HUUUGE hit. She enjoys placing them all over, including our legs and bellies until they run out of stickiness (then they work great in the bathtub). Speaking of bathtubs, she insisted on getting in the big tub today and I don't think there's any going back - she was absolutely delighted with the extra water and space to scooch around. We accidentally found out today that one of her foam toys makes an excellent stopper, so viola! A real bathtub for Helen!


Anonymous said...

Southern Belle indeed in that darling hat. What a good sport little Sebastian was getting those cool stickers. Sooooo cute, his eyes are glued on Helen. Loved the pix of Helen and Daddy hanging out nibbling on guacolmole and corn chips. Helen is getting so little kid looking and less like a baby girl. xoxoxoxo Grandma P.s. We leave tomorrow morning for Atlanta and we are so excited. Will be in Atlanta mid Friday afternoon - Yea!!!

Jane said...

Very cute!