Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lovely visit with my mom and dad!

My mom and dad came down for a visit last Friday and we had a wonderful time hanging out together over the weekend. After arriving, my mom and I picked up Helen and brought her back home to grandpa and daddy. She was a bit under the weather (umpteenth cold so far in her life - child's nose is apparently only in the "on" position for the foreseeable future...), but was still her cheery self and brought G&G quickly into the "read to me, play with me, kisses, kisses, hugs, hugs" fold. Seriously - it's like they live next door and come by everyday - she adores them.
After a brief hiatus, H loves to read books again. A lot. As you'll see.
Helen doesn't like to say a whole lot of words right now, but she knows what a lot of words mean. When we drill her on what's in a book, she knows what a pumpkin, hot air balloon and other things are without missing a beat. She still won't say her name (we had about 3 lovely days where she said it when we asked her what her name was about 2 months ago) and won't say anything we ask her to except "apple" and "go-go" (which means any cool means of transportation, like a motorcycle, bike, go-kart, etc). She has a nifty "things that go" book, her fave, hence her love of things that "go-go". She did try out three new words this weekend, ever so slyly and very shyly - grandma (gan-ma), grandpa (gan-pa), and banana. I guess she doesn't like to mince words. And she won't say them anymore, no matter how nicely I ask. I wonder how many other words she says that I miss completely because she says them so softly or when I just don't notice!
Ganma and ganpa playing with H at the park.

Some computer time with grandpa. :-)
We spent a lot of time on our porch, thanks to the fact that our chain-smoking neighbors moved out (hooray!) and that I bought a shop vac to clean it up (1/8" of pollen coating everything was just too gross to deal with a broom and dust pan anymore!).
Read read read.
Grandpa does such an excellent job playing the boob and Helen just eats it up. Here, grandpa is putting Helen's shoes and socks on, which first started off with grandpa putting the socks on Helen's hands! After that point, Helen paid close attention to grandpa to make sure he was doing things correctly. :-)
Grandma had lots of fun with Helen at the park!
They even found a fuzzy caterpillar!


Anonymous said...

Dad and I had so much fun visiting Mary, David and wee Helen. We hung out, went to the park and shared some meals around the kitchen table. And played with Helen to our hearts content. xoxoo Grandma

Jane said...

Look at her tiny litle finger pointing at that caterpillar! Sooo cute! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

I miss her so much !!! Aunt JUdy