Thursday, March 4, 2010


I've been sensing some rumblings from the peanut gallery - "when is there going to be a new picture of Helen? Hellllooo??". Well, here she is and this is why you haven't seen much (this is from Mon or Tue of this week):

Crank. CRAnk. CRANK.
Here's one I decided to filter out from January when she had a cranky bout then, but now seems apropos. Ooooohhh. Such a crank. Eye teeth are comin' in now. Almost can't take it in conjunction with stress at work and then some, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

Here's a happy picture from a couple months ago to offset the crank.


Anonymous said...

You were right, However we want and like the cranky pictures. and you went too long with out much. Can't wait to see you guys.... two weeks.....Judy

Anonymous said...

I love the 'crank' as well as the happiness. It does not matter! We love Helen and her parents to bits! xoxo Grandma

In less than 2 weeks we'll be zipping Judy and Joey to the airport to deliver her to you. xoox