Sunday, March 28, 2010

Big Girl

We were so sad to see Judy and Joey go last Monday, but we're looking forward to the next time we get to see them again (less than 2 months!). Helen picked out her outfit on Friday morning and was so proud (top pick with black pants). I bought a bunch of black knit pants on clearance at Target a while ago and now she insists on wearing them almost everyday. I managed to slide in a pair of jeans yesterday when she was distracted, but could NOT put on Cathy and Sophia's cute overall gift, no matter what tactic I took. The girl is (almost) all about the knit. Anyway... Having fun with pigtails lately too - they make her look so much older.

Had a nice weekend - yesterday was beautiful. Played outside lots. Today was rainy and we went to the pet store for an outing and enjoyed the gerbils much. Also went to yogli mogli and it's just not the same without you Jud and Joe... They had a new flavor - red velvet cake, which I did not try because I like the peach too much, but I will soon!

Looking forward to later in the week when Naomi and Sebastian come for a visit - we can't wait!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Today's shenanagins

There is not a single new picture to post of the Judy/Joey-Palooza extravaganza! We decided to take more of the existential approach today and enjoy each other's time and visuals as they came. We had another WONderful day together - we went to Stone Mountain, where Judy and Joey zipped ahead of us and climbed to the top in no time flat (the G fam made it half way up, Helen being our excuse to slow down - she loved running around on the granite). It was soooo beautiful today - seriously could not have been nicer. Helen has been eating Judy and Joey up in huge gulps and I don't think I've ever seen her more animated and blissfully happy. Everyone is having such a good time! :-) We also spent more time at the park in the sandbox, swings and slides - so fun!

More tomorrow once we get back on the picture train - 'suposed to be cloud, rainy and cold, but we'll figure something out to do. I've been testing H's nap limits to the extreme the past three days, so tomorrow will be nap catch up day- she kind of wigged out today... :-( We also need to buy H a purse of her own to drag around (instead of Aunt Judy's!) and some curtains for her room so that we can put her to bed before 8 pm when she's pooped so it will be dark - fun fun! More soon! XO!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Busy Day

We went to the GA Aquarium in the morning and it was SOOOOOOOO fun! We all loved it!

H and my purse.
4 dollar fruit cup.

Big fish above our heads.

Helen loves to carry my purse everywhere.
H in the sand box.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

happy *sigh*

No new pics to post - more soon once Judy and Joey finally get here! (can't wait!). Helen has been in great spirits and is quickly learning she can extend bedtime by snuggling with mommy on the bed before "nah nah" or by pressing her cheek to mommy so I can kiss her cheek over and over and over and over again! If that's what it takes to get her to be a snuggler (which I am generally not), then that's just what I'll just have to do! I love it love it love it. I will be a snuggler yet!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hooray! The Sun!

We enjoyed a sunshiney weekend, with temps in the 60's - spring fever has begun (with even a real fever and bad cold as of Sunday for Helen). :-(
The grass went dormant this year and is dry and yellow. Looking forward to green, soft grass to match warm, soft days. We went to Stone Mountain park and found a big area to run around with a ball and a sippy cup. Sippy cups aren't very fun to throw.
My goose. Eye teeth are wreaking havoc everywhere - mind, gums, and poor chin. And it's been soooo dry - weird for here. I've been smearing triple cream all over her cheeks and chin to no avail.
The weekend before last, I think - a little snow again, gone quickly. Album cover, b-side?

Am listening to Girlyman's song "Storms Were Mine" - now finally into it, Jane, and bought the actual CD. Have this one on repeat. Didn't even notice this song for the first couple months on your CD, probably because it's #10, and usually can't listen to many CDs past song #4! :-)

On another note - Judy and Joey will be coming for a visit next week and we are so looking forward to it! Hope the weather will hold out, and even if it doesn't, we will have so much fun together - can't wait to see you two!!!!

And wait, for those that read this far and are interested, here are my and Helen's favorite videos on (ok, mostly mine because they have more than just Elmo in them). "We" have created a "my street", which contain these and many others I've culled out:

-Outdoors with Jason Mraz
-Feist: 1 2 3 4

Won't bore you with the others - these are the "coolest" ones I have so far.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I've been sensing some rumblings from the peanut gallery - "when is there going to be a new picture of Helen? Hellllooo??". Well, here she is and this is why you haven't seen much (this is from Mon or Tue of this week):

Crank. CRAnk. CRANK.
Here's one I decided to filter out from January when she had a cranky bout then, but now seems apropos. Ooooohhh. Such a crank. Eye teeth are comin' in now. Almost can't take it in conjunction with stress at work and then some, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

Here's a happy picture from a couple months ago to offset the crank.