Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Helen will now finally eat all kinds of fruit. She especially likes strawberries of late.
I like the look on her face. Very terrible two-sie.

I think we are officially in the throes of the terrible twos. We broke down and bought the video of happiest toddler on the block and watched it the other night - supposedly 18 months is the peak of the terrible twos. Hmm. It really hasn't been that bad until lately. The eating frontier is where the battle's at most of the time. Looks like as of this morning, it will also be the clothes wearing frontier...

This picture is from a couple weeks ago when it was really cold out. This would make a good album cover, don't you think?


Anonymous said...

I just love the first picture of Helen contentedly eating strawberries snuggly with daddy on the kitchen floor. But those going on 18 months old wee ones do the cutest things. Helen looks like she lives in northern Canada with that coat and vest on. xoxoxo Grandma. Thanks a ton for the new pictures of the 'fruit eate.'r

Anonymous said...

I love her so much. I have got to plan a trip. Maybe this summer, so we can use the pool. :) I love her face in the second picture. Aunt Judy P.S tell Sara and Jim to put some new pictures on their bolg !!!

Jane said...

Yes, that pic would make an awesome album cover.