Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Helen Fix

Got back late Monday from our trip out west to see some G family (including cousin Savannah and Aunt Jane on the F side - hooray!) and have been trying to catch up with life as we knew it. Aunt Judy called tonight with a request for some pics, so here are a few I quickly picked. More later!
So cute playing together!
Headstand in the sand at Redondo Beach.
She liked the sand (even though it was cold "winter" sand). The weather was beautiful just about the whole time we were there! :-)


Anonymous said...

thank you so much for the fix. I was getting weak. Judy

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Mary, I was getting weak too. Savannah and Helen playing together is just adorable. I'm glad the weather was so nice and you got a break from old man winter. xoxoox Grandma