Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hi there

Not too much going on lately, except of course, work work work. Did an overnight trip to MI for work this week which really threw it off, but we're getting back to normal (my first night ever away from H too). I got to have lunch with my mom, dad AND Judy while I was there - it was so nice. They surprised me with Judy (she was sitting at the restaurant when I got there, totally unsuspecting), which was so much fun!

This picture is from last weekend. Here Helen would like to be picked up. She is going through a hold me/snuggly phase. The past couple days she has been asking for ibuprofen, insisting on it really, which has me scratching my head - should I give it to her? Or is she just bored and want something sweet? The only reason I question it is we had to hold her down - legs, arms and head, and force her to take it when she was burning up with fever 2 weeks ago... One of her molars is on it's way in (partially breaking through as we speak) - could she already know what it's for???
Here she is this morning, our little sleepy head. She has been a big crank so far today - I miss my happy-go-lucky H, but I'm sure she will be back soon. I guess I would be cranky too if i had molars coming in. One more to go after this one, then 4 eye teeth, then the other 4 molars. Fun fun.


Anonymous said...

She looks so big in the top picture. It looks almost like pony-tails are in her hair. She is so damn cute. I want to eat her. Aunt Judy

Anonymous said...

My oh my our Helen is turning into a 'little girl' from a baby girl. Such a sweet and lovely face. I really think that Helen knows what she needs when she is asking for the ibuprofen. Thanks for the new pictures! xoxoox Grandma