Sunday, October 11, 2009


Helen is finding her "voice" a lot more lately. When she is not in agreement with the menu selected for her, she has been dropping the food on the floor (sometimes shaking it in her hand, and then dropping or flinging - so at least we have a warning system in place). The only way I can get her to eat vegetables is to let her spoon feed herself the pureed baby food kind, but I think she's on to me with that one. I turned my back to continue her dinner preparations and turned around to see this mess she created with garden vegetable medley. I gave her a peanut butter and honey sandwich, which she also proceeded to pick apart and throw on the floor. Then, in desperation, we made her a piece of salmon which she ate voraciously. She's all about the protein in the last week. Anyway... I'm sure there will be much more food flinging in our future... Good thing she's cute.


Karen said...

Oh man! I am not looking forward to this stage. Maggie starts "flinging" food when she's full, so I take away the tray at that point. We need to try salmon with her though - it's great that Helen likes it!

Anonymous said...

Helen is communicating and her dear mommy is finding a way to interpret and doing a great job. The look on Helen's face tells it all. It looks like, 'sorry mom,I wished had not flung the mixed veggies. I need somethig, but I can't tell you what it is.' And mom found Salmon and now off to new tastes and textures. xoxoxox Grandma

cari c said...

Oh my. Too funny. Of course, that is because you get to clean it up. :) I am currently cleaning avocado off of Evie's shirt which she smushed all over... fun with food.

Anonymous said...

I love it. And the look on her face is priceless. She totally knowes she made the mess. I want to eat her. Aunt Judy

Anonymous said...

Bad baby! I love you guys. Aunt Cathy

Anonymous said...

She's thinking "um, mom, why are you taking a picture of me with this totally adorable but guilty look on my face? This may impact my eventual application to Harvard Law School and subsequent wildly successful career as a prosecutor, then federal judge and eventual nomination and confirmation to the Supreme Court." lol -Aunt Jane

Mary G said...

Love all the comments! :-)