Sunday, October 18, 2009


Here are some pics from this week of Helen. Going for volume here after complaints from the peanut gallery that one picture is not possibly enough for 1 week. :-)
Spending some quality time with our crazy big Richard Scarry book. Helen has a thing for bulldozers and front-loaders at the moment, and there's a page that fits the bill.

I just love these black leggings.
Yesterday I noticed she's trying to stack blocks on her own (instead of just wanting to knock them down).

I think she may have been switched at birth. She doesn't look like me at all. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Oh I love Her so much. I miss you all like crazy! She's getting so big. I can't believe it. xoxooxoxo Cecily

Anonymous said...

Love lots of pictures with comments by Mommy. It's so cute to see Helen seated in front of the big book "reading." The black tights are indeed very cute and the way Helen squats down to play is so precious. And no Momma this baby was not switched at birth because she looks so like her dear Daddy. And in one picture, the 2nd seated one, Helen reminds me of Jane when she was wee. Great pictures and thanks again! xoxoxo Grandma

Anonymous said...

OOps, it's the first picture of Helen in the red chair where she looks a lot like her Aunt Jane did at that age. xoxoxoox Grandma

Anonymous said...

She looks like a big kid already. I love her to bits. She look just like you Mary. Love the black tights. Aunt JUdy

Jane said...

Mary she totally looks like you. Very cute. I see David in her too of course. I love Richard Scarry books! xoxo Janer