Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm 4 Months Old Today!

Somebody's very happy that she's 4 months old today. Or maybe it's that she's 3 sheets to the wind right before bedtime and is a little punchy. I love it when she gets that way.
She looks so cute and long in this pic. At her 4 month checkup a couple days ago, she measured 26 inches in length, which means she's grown 1/2 foot since birth! Yeesh!


Anonymous said...

Four months old already! What a sweetheart she is and such a smile. She is growing so fast and changes with each set of pictures. It 's fun to check your blog! Can't wait to see y'all soon! Love, Your kin, Grandma

Anonymous said...

I don't think she is loved quite enough, her smile is so fake. And her body language is screaming "Get me Outa here". I have enough sense to when a child is being abused, and this is clearly one of these children. Durning our christmas break I will try and save her. Aunt Judy

Anonymous said...

I love going through the whole set, just to see how much she's grown. She is so cute and happy! xoxo, Janie...