Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cutie patootie

This isn't the only kitty cat Helen became very interested in this weekend. She has been stopping to stare and smile at Walter throughout the day. Walter has seemed oddly receptive to her too.


Anonymous said...

You better save all of these photos and videos for posterity...
She had us rolling on the floor when she saw her daddy the second time. What a look and smile of recognition! Beautiful!!!
Keep the Blog open, we check it often.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Mary she is soooooooooooooo beautiful! I can't wait to finally see her and hold her!!! She is just to cute! I can't wait for you guys to get here.... i'm like peeing my pants i can't take it any longer! I miss you and uncle daivd and helen! I love you guys SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!
Please keep the videos coming I love her!

Cecily Marie

Mary G said...

Cec - you are such a sweetie - I am peeing my pants too!! Less than 2 weeks to go. Love you so much!!

Anonymous said...

We have watched this video over and over and over and over. Helen really loves to play with her stuffed animal. And her smiling twice at David was just so sweet. I want to reach into the video and pick her up and hug her. And I noticed Helen is chewing on her little fist and I suspect she is actively teething. My goodness in just over a week you will all be here! Hooray xoxoxooxox