Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hi from Helen

Helen got the croup last Friday but is doing well. Her voice is still a little hoarse as you'll notice in the video, poor little bird. Daddy took her on a brisk walk today up Stone Mountain with her - the fresh cool air is good for her little lungs (mom found out after they got back - no worries, she was wearing a hat).


cari c said...

Our doctor told us to take Tim out in the cold when he has a cough - and to also hang out in the steamy bathroom with the shower running super hot. Apparently changes in temperature are good. I can never tell that they make a difference, but worth a try.

Anonymous said...

My goodness, Helen's little voice is changed by her cold, croup. And the way she looked up at her mommy was soooooooo sweet. Baby Helen is in good hands and she will get better soon. xoxoxoxoxoxoxxo Grandma