Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall Update

Here are a few photos to catch up the past month or so. It's weird, the camera is no longer constantly in our back pocket now that Helen is 3 - I think it's because she's not changing so fast, but I also like to think it's because we enjoy "living in the moment" and we don't have to capture everything. At least, that's what I tell myself.

I couldn't find the camera last weekend during a G&G visit (I looked in all the usual places a couple times and came to the conclusion D took it on his trip). The day after my parents left, I opened a drawer and found it immediately -argh!! I took some photos on my ipod and darned if I can figure out how to transfer them and make them photos that anyone can view (I downloaded them, but no idea what format they're in, not being an apple kind of person - double argh!). Anyway - here are some photos from as soon as today (the ones right below - gorgeous, warm weekend here) to as far back as mid September (same time as dancing H video).
Found a fall fun place in the country to ride a horse for 2 minutes and other very fun things including hay rides, corn mazes, hay bales and corn bins, drum/cow train rides (old white plastic drums cut out and made to look like a cow, I hope the drums held things like milk and such, not herbicides and pesticides - see below - she went on it 3 times all by herself!).

Couple weeks ago - morning of her first official "pre-ballet" class at school

H enjoys photographing things, including Chester (above and below courtesy of H)
A few weeks ago, we finally went to Cahokia Mounds in IL. Totally cool place in the middle of a far reaching suburb. Apparently, it was the a huge city (for its time), even bigger than London was during the same timeframe (I read it on a plaque, but cannot remember the date - after 1000 AD I think, but before 1400 AD?? but not entirely sure and too lazy to look it up on google....).
On top of the biggest mound.

H shot at the Brentwood carnival
H and I went on a swing ride at the Brentwood Carnival. Very fun!!
Happy fall! The weather here is awesome in fall - yeah!!