Monday, March 21, 2011

New dawning thought....

After having to put the kitties in the basement last night so we could:

1) sleep without pouncing, racing and wrestling all night
2) open Helen's door so that she could have some airflow after some fits of coughing at bedtime (which caused me to worry a lot about asthma and such with the new pets around, but she seems fine now)

... and then leaving them alone all day, they seem super fine to do their own thing, occasionally asking for a head pat and cheek rub. Generally they entertain themselves with each other and sleep at the same time. I'm beginning to think we are nothing more than shelter and food givers - which is fine by me!! I love that they are so self sufficient.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

New Additions to the Family

Helen would like to introduce you to the newest members of our family: Chester (ginger tabby) and Henry (brown/black tabby). They arrived on Friday night after a quick "let's look at the rescues at Petsmart" turned into an evening of pet adoption.

We were only in the market for one cat, maybe 2 years down the road, but ended up with two. We'd seen the big ginger tabby a few weeks ago and remembered him. But this time he had a new bunk-mate and best pal. Apparently they befriended each other once Henry got to Petsmart and have been best friends ever since. They way they licked each other and played so cutely melted my heart – it was because of that that we ended up with any at all. More about them as you move down the pictures!
They sometimes sleep sweetly together, waking up here and there to lick each other's faces.
Day 2: Fully integrated into the family (D reading a book on the bed + 2 kitties + an H visit)Helen snuggling with Chester - she seems to prefer him for now - he is extremely mellow, even more mellow than Walter was. Helen can lean on him, pet him and kiss him and he doesn't bat an eye (although when he grows tired of her, he goes under the bed). Chester is approximately 3.5 years old and is pretty hefty at 16 lbs.
Henry licking Chester. So sweet.
They rough house too, but in a nice way.
Henry is only one year old, 13 lbs, and is very very playful. He also lets Helen pet him, and he also plays with her well too even though she ends up batting him with the wand more than swing the string around. They are both very tolerant cats! I can't believe how quickly they integrated into our house and are totally fine with everything - I think it's because they stayed together.

Last weekend we went to our town's firehouse open house. H got a cool hat.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

We're still here!

But we're not still there - move over and settling in nicely. More later!