Thursday, June 10, 2010


Every time I muster up the courage to put pigtails in Helen's hair, I have to take a picture and share because it's just so darned cute. I'm pretty sure the last time she had pigtails is documented somewhere down there in the April or early May archives! I should document how this looks at the end of the day - soooo much different. She has been very patient lately when I mess with her hair too, so I'll have to try more.

We've been having a great and mellow week. Helen's sense of humor seems to be coming out at the seams all the sudden - everything is silly and funny! Yeah! There's nothing better than to giggle over flung captain crunch that was once on your frozen yogurt at yogli mogli thanks to some serious elbow grease trying to spoon some up to your mouth (side thought - who knew captain crunch could be so good on frozen confections? I would never buy a box for breakfast, but I might now for an ice cream party). Anyway - happy Thursday! Almost Friday and I am sooo looking forward to the weekend. Super hot here and muggy. I miss the drought.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fun Memorial Day Weekend with the Fam

Helen and I made a quick trip up to MI for the memorial day weekend. She did a stellar job on the plane, on my lap, both there and back. Thank goodness for early flights, huge Elmo sticker books and small ziplock baggies full of snacks!
We had so much fun with bubbles this trip. We ran through an enormous bottle of bubbles!
J and S (above) are excellent bubble blowers.
Helen, not so much. She puts the wand right on her lips and blows, but by that point, all the bubble juice is on her face, so no bubbles. Probably not very tasty.

Dad got a new, nifty riding lawn mower - here's his first ride. Helen loved seeing Grandpa on his "go-go".
It was very warm over the weekend, but none of the local pools were opened up yet. Luckily grandma had this kiddie pool to play in. Helen and Aunt Judy enjoying spraying and splashing each other.
Helen really likes to help (as she says, "hep") out. Here she is helping grandma get all the freshly cut grass of the driveway.
More bubble playing in the street!
Grandma was so cute - she set herself off from the rest of the pack and quietly blew bubble wand after bubble wand. There's something mesmorizing about it!
The wii dance revolution in G&G's basement. That was so much fun to watch! Sadly, the three in this picture will be beaten by yours truly in the next dance competition.
Had fun playing in the sprinkler too!

Needless to say, Helen was EXHAUSTED this week. Thanks so much to everyone for traveling so much up/down to G&G's house. We can't wait to see you again!