Saturday, February 20, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010


Today we had our second snowfall of the season, which I'll call "snowdiddly" in comparison to the "snowpocalypse" and "snowmageddon" of the DC area (our hats are off to our DC friends for making it through the last week!). It's still snowing right now and I bet we'll see a total of about 4 inches, all said and done. For the ATL, that's a lot a snow! (I left work a couple hours early and am glad I did - the steep hill that's behind us in the pic below was being fickle to the poor drivers trying to drive up it while we were frolicking). Helen loved playing in the snow - she was positively giddy. Anyway. Here's some pics of the snow and H and her 'rents enjoying it. Happy Valentines day everyone!
Those are purple and yellow winter pansies circling the tree behind us, poor things.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

18 Months!

Here is Helen on her 18 month birthday. She is growing growing growing.
It's getting harder to get a picture with her looking at the camera. Here is one I managed.

Daddy took some video of Miss H walking around in mommy's slippers while mom was away on business this week. Helen is very delighted with this video - she giggles when she hears herself giggle in the video - see below of H watching this video - it's so cute! :-)