Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bath time

Bath time is still so much fun. Especially when I open up the container of soap when mom and dad don't notice, pour a whole bunch in, and then let the bubbles ensue.
Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Soap is so yummy.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

End of January

I hate to wish time away because it goes by way too quickly as it is, but I am really looking forward to spring and lots of good weather to go to the park whenever we want! We actually did sneak in a good visit late Friday afternoon - it cleared up for the afternoon and it was really nice and I left work a little early. This was the third weekend in a row though that was rainy and/or cold (for us). Note all the pictures INside.
H and her hair on Friday, before I took her to get it cut again on Saturday (We took her two weeks ago too...). We decided this whole "growing it out" thing is for the birds at the moment and I want something quick and manageable for the mornings (and the rest of the day). So, off with the locks! She doesn't look that different - see below.
"Uh-oh". I like to ask for snacks in my little plastic cup, but then I also like to dump them all on the floor and say "uh-oh" - it's really fun!
And then I like to try to put the plastic cup over my foot. That's really fun too.
And when it's almost bedtime and I am zorched, I like to sit on the couch and watch Sesame Street. (Note cute sweatjacket from Cecily from x-mas '08 - I thought she would never fit into an 18-month piece of clothing! It just seemed gigantic next to her 4-month old body.) :-)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Helen will now finally eat all kinds of fruit. She especially likes strawberries of late.
I like the look on her face. Very terrible two-sie.

I think we are officially in the throes of the terrible twos. We broke down and bought the video of happiest toddler on the block and watched it the other night - supposedly 18 months is the peak of the terrible twos. Hmm. It really hasn't been that bad until lately. The eating frontier is where the battle's at most of the time. Looks like as of this morning, it will also be the clothes wearing frontier...

This picture is from a couple weeks ago when it was really cold out. This would make a good album cover, don't you think?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's not you, it's me

By the way, we did not send out christmas cards this year (last year actually, already). We $%&*. We'll try to get those out in a few years, we'll see...

Sunday, January 10, 2010


We had such a great time in CA with Sarah, Jim, Savannah and Jim's family. We got to play a lot with Savannah's cool toys, went to the park (yeah! sunny, warm weather!), and to the beach. We also saw several whales coming up for air from on top of Palos Verdes, some dolphins swimming in the surf at Redondo and a seal from the pier in Hermosa - how cool is that?! Thanks so much S, J and S for your wonderful hospitality - we miss you all a lot!!
Savannah is cute as a button and such a happy girl. We can't wait to see her again!
Helen had a VERY bad hair day after a nap one day.
Happy family!
Playing with cool toys.
Jane and Savannah had a good time playing too.
Big costco boxes make good toys too.
H and S on the double slide.
Love these pics of J and H in a field at the park.

When we got home, we spent lots of time looking at the picutre of S, J and S. Helen gave the pictures lots of kisses.
She went back to her favorite thing of "drawing" once we got back home.Thursday night we got a teeny bit of snow (maybe an inch?), which partially turned into a nice layer of black ice beneath the snow everywhere. The roads were terrible and still are today in some spots! H and I stayed home on Friday. After driving around on Saturday, I'm glad we did - the road near her daycare (and hill down to it) were still covered in ice! Here is H near a snowy patch near home where some other snow-dayer had written her name. We stayed out for about 10 minutes, if that, as it was 16 degrees and really windy! Can't wait for the weather to get a little warmer...

I put together this entire post while Helen is awake - she is actually occupying herself and staying within eyeshot - a post-christmas miracle!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Helen Fix

Got back late Monday from our trip out west to see some G family (including cousin Savannah and Aunt Jane on the F side - hooray!) and have been trying to catch up with life as we knew it. Aunt Judy called tonight with a request for some pics, so here are a few I quickly picked. More later!
So cute playing together!
Headstand in the sand at Redondo Beach.
She liked the sand (even though it was cold "winter" sand). The weather was beautiful just about the whole time we were there! :-)