Thursday, July 30, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

Other updates

Miss H is cruising like crazy and sometimes takes 3 or 4 steps at a time then falls on her bum. So who knows - maybe she'll be walking by her birthday, or maybe she won't! Either way, she can get around FAST! I think she's practicing sprint-crawling to the cat bowls in order to perfect the time it takes to reach them. Once she reaches her goal, I suspect she'll casually glance at me, quickly gauge the time it will take to grab a handful of catfood before I can grab her, and SCRAM.

More from last weekend

Helen was very cute and silly while we ate at Pappasitos last weekend. She liked hanging out with Yancy a lot!

I think this is her version of peek-a-boo. She's since perfected it this week and she now covers her eyes, not her ears. :-)

Getting closer... !

Still need to post more photos of last weekend and the botanical gardens - hopefully later this weekend!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Last Weekend

This one is my favorite.

Hee hee. A sneaky shot of dad-doh AND a silly belly.

We had a really nice and relaxing weekend spent with our Texas A&M friend Yancy. We went for a hike up and down Kennesaw Mountain on Saturday, followed by an awesome linner at Pappasitos. Then the next day we went to the botanical garden - it was an oddly "cool" weekend for the south - 2 completely perfect summer days in a row. More pics of that later. Here are some pictures after our hike where we stopped to re-hydrate under a tree. Helen very much enjoyed the leaves, mulch, dirt, and slate where we stopped. We've been enjoying such things more and more as she less and less puts everything in the mouth. It was a very zen experience captured by Yancy's awesome camera.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy Happy!

Happy 44th Anniversary Mom and Dad!! :-)

Melon Cakes

Morning hair stick-up. :-)
Swimming with dad-doh.
Last weekend I learned how to climb up on the toy chest! Fun fun!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hair cut help

No pic with this post. Just asking for help - H's bangs are out of control and I would like to cut them but am afraid to create too bangy of a hairstyle. There's lots of hair in her eyes and something must be done. Not willing to put barrettes in her hair though - afraid she or someone else at daycare will eat them and choke.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Dolphin

Haven't posted a video in a while. Here's one.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Aunt Judy and Cousin Cecily come for a visit!!

Aunt Judy and Cousin Cecily came for a visit last week. Helen and Co. had so much fun with them!!

We visited the Coke Museum, which was interesting once they were done trying to brainwash all the children who were visiting... sorry, did I say that out loud? I very much enjoyed the tasting rooms, and very much so the Asia station. Apple flavored fanta is really really good!
Judy very much enjoyed the Candy Pine Nut flavor from S. Africa. It tasted very good.
4D coke movie glasses.

Helen received her first birthday present a little early (she's 11 months, can you believe it?!) - a very pretty toy chest.

Swimming and swimming in the hot weather. Yeah - the pool was open!!

4th Weekend

Helen loooooovvvveeees Walter.
Yes, Helen's mom and dad dress her funny. Her little knees get so red crawling around uncovered so I often find a nice comfy pair of knit pants to slap on her when we're at home playing. :-)
She's discovered the photo albums on the lower shelf... she's not so much interested in the photos as she is in trying to pull them out and destroy them.
This photo album is special though. She treats it like a book that's to be read over and over again. Aunt Judy and her cousins prepared a few scrapbook pages of their vacation to Ossineke, MI and their kitty having babies a fews ago. She loooooovvvvveeees the pictures of the kitties, whom she calls "dit-dees".