Thursday, March 26, 2009

Happy DSL, Judy!

Here are a couple of videos, Jude.

She's trying oh so hard to crawl!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Green bean, bubble gum and apple flavored oatmeal

Today I think we reached an important milestone with Helen. In my ongoing attempts to coax, trick and otherwise shove Helen's disturbingly bright pink, viscous amoxicillin medicine into her mouth, I foolishly mixed it with a bit of green beans and expected her to welcome it with open mouth like she did with the peach, apple and pear mixtures earlier this week. What in the world made me think green beans were going to do the trick? Obviously, they are not a fruit. So, I quickly made some oatmeal and poured the green bean and bubble gum syrup mixture in and stirred it up (which also contained a packet of acidophilus to boot to restore her internal bacterial flora!). Nope. That didn't work either. Enter applesauce. Mixed a little in on the side. Tried again, and got a few more bites, but ultimately had to bail on the whole thing. *sigh* I don't think I will make that mistake again! :-)

It's been a tough few weeks here lately. Miss H is teething and hasn't been her usual chipper self or usual good sleeper. And then she got an ear infection and enter the evil amoxicillin which makes her terribly to extremely agitated at night and she won't go to bed! We just finished another fun wrestling match this evening. Four more nights to go...

On a more upbeat note, she decided that tummy time isn't so bad after all now that she can inch and rolly polly her way around a little bit. She's so funny to watch because she's clearly delighted with herself as she rocks and rolls. I wonder if that may be keeping her up too so she can practice more. It's usually what she does as we sit there wondering when the heck this kid is ever going to go to sleep.
Said oatmeal. Ick.
Rolling and inching her way off the blanket...
Silly goose.
Silly goose again.
Sweet pea in cute PJs.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Judy's visit!

Judy came for an impromptu visit this week and Helen had so much fun with her auntie. They had fun playing all day long.

Too funny and too precious after the bubblegum goes POP!

Snow and ducks

Here's a picture of Helen in her new duckie fleecie sleeper after a bath.
Here's a photo of the snow we had last Sunday. We got a few slushy inches that made things pretty for a bit. Today (the following Saturday) it was 75 degrees and sunny!