Saturday, February 28, 2009

Miss grabby pants

Miss H, trying to grab the camera. Whatever she locks eyes on, she MUST have!
Grabbing again.
A rare exposed toe opportunity.
Happy happy! Does she know Aunt Judy is coming on Tuesday?! She must!

Grandma and grandpa stopped by for a visit!

Grandma and grandpa "stopped by" for a visit Thursday night on their way to Arizona. Helen really enjoyed the time spent with them Thursday night and Friday morning - she spent lots of time giggling, laughing and flaying her arms in delight. We can't wait for them to come back on their way home in April!

Grandma and grandpa brought a present for H - a very cute cell phone that has a recording of their voices! How cute is that?! Of course, the wrapping paper was the first present.

Grandma and Grandpa Videos!

Rose and Mark came for a visit!

Our friends from Jersey, Rose and Mark, came down for a visit last weekend. We only have a couple pictures to post because all 4 of us got food poisoning from eating falafel sandwich takeout on Friday night. We spent a very sick, very sleepy weekend together that I'm sure none of us will forget for a while! Luckily we got to the aquarium on Friday afternoon and then hit the bodies exhibit (very interesting and creepy) on the way to the airport Monday. We were so happy we got to see them despite a rough weekend!!

Here Helen looks the way we felt that weekend (she was fine though!)... :-(

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Cutie Pie Savannah


Tired talk

Happy Valentine's Day! XOXO

Walter is never far from the family action. The look on his face reflects his first hard tail squeeze bestowed upon him by Helen a few moments earlier. He's weighing his desire to be up on the bed with us vs. the flying, spastic, squeezing hands of H. Poor kitty.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Here's a picture of Helen's new west coast cousin Savannah born on January 17th. Congratulations to Sarah and Jim!! We calculated that they are 5 months, 1 week, 6 days and 4 minutes apart in age. :-)