Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Judy's Pretty Coat

Here's Helen in the coat Judy got her - isn't she so cute in it?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A conversation with baby Helen

12 Weeks

Helen is getting so big and likes to play with things more and more. This play station thing she's in looks like it's going to be a good investment!
Cute baby smile, but this picture doesn't look like Helen. It's weird. When I look at her, she doesn't look like this at all! But she sure looks a lot more like David than me in this pic.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Goodnight grandma, grandpa, aunt Judy, aunt Cathy, Cecily, Chelsey, John, Joe and Sophia. We wish we could be there too and wake up to the smell of pumpkin pancakes. We hope pumpkin-palooza '08 was a smash.

Beach Ball Workout

Here's some video of D in action with Helen on the beach ball.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pretty Dress

I rarely, ok, pretty much never, put Helen in dresses or other frilly things. This first time warranted a photo. The occasion - we took her to a fall orchard-y kind of place yesterday. It was a beautiful day.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Helen, Month 2

Better than tummy time? D actually read somewhere to do this. She seemed to like it, not to mention it's really cute!

Getting ready to go out for the day. Helen likes the new toy we got for her car seat. She's looking at everything now. Hands, dangly things and patterns (like the cool fish blanket from grandma!).
Helen enjoys the hanging bears, but what really gets her attention and makes her smile (see below) is the fine black print on the side of the swing. Perhaps we have a lawyer in the making?

Friday, October 3, 2008

And yet another video!

This one, also very similar, was taken a few minutes ago!

Another video

I think we took this video last Monday. She is getting to be a lot of fun! :-)