Saturday, August 30, 2008

Aunt Naomi and Uncle Toby are here - Hooray!

Kathy M.'s pretty present. :-)

Kathy M. sent such a pretty package to Helen. Inside was a cute Mackinac Island onesie.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Outing to the Botanical Garden

Judy and I went to the Botanical Gardens on Thursday morning. It was a great day to go - overcast and cool. Helen slept through most of it and we got to see all kinds of interesting stuff. Judy had fun naming all the flowers and shrubs that she sells in her garden center. :-) Helen's Pond (tiny pond and plaque in the background).

Third week - various pics

Walter is getting more comfortable with the baby and her stuff, obviously. Time to wash this blanket!
Helen's first real bath. She sort of liked it until I went after her face.

More pictures with visitors

D took Judy, Jane and Chelsey to Stone Mountain for a leisurely walk on Saturday afternoon.
Helen's first book reading session. Jane got a great book with lots of contrasting colors!
"Uncle" Peter came for a visit and gave Helen a silky blanket. Judy has been eying it ever since.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Aunt Judy and Cousin Chelsey are here - hooray!!

A few more pics the first week, part 2

Pics from Helen's first few days at home

A few more pics from the hospital

High five.

I loved this Mother Theresa style swaddle one nurse did for Helen. So cute.

She's here!

Helen Rose was born on August 4th at 2:01 p.m.! She weighed 8 lbs, 5 oz and was 20 inches long. We're so glad she's here!