Sunday, July 27, 2008

Here we are at 38.5 weeks. 1.5 to 2.5 weeks to go!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Walter being uncharacteristically naughty.
July 4th - 35 weeks.

So far, we've had a nice July 4th weekend. On the 4th we ended up at the last minute high-tailing it to my office building and the 16th floor where I work for hopes of good views of fireworks. We saw lots of different sets of them which was really cool. The Stone Mountain fireworks were the best. Yesterday we went on a 2-mile hike/walk at Stone Mountain and then went for a nice swim at our pool (finally - our first time in). Moving around felt good as I'm getting pretty waddley and creaky and sometimes move around like a determined 90-year old without their walker. This next month should be interesting!

Hope you had a good 4th weekend too!